Broccoli farming is a boon to the rural economy in India. It can be grown in the spring and is a cool-season crop. It is high in nutrients such as iron, calcium, and vitamins. The harvest has a protein content of 3.3 per cent and a high vitamin A and C content. Moreover, it also contains riboflavin, niacin, and thiamine and a high concentration of carotenoids. It is primarily used for salads and can be eaten lightly steamed. It is mainly sold fresh, frozen, or as a salad.

Soil for Broccoli Farming

Broccoli requires moist soil to grow vigorously and adequately. Broccoli farming requires well-drained soil with a high fertiliser content. A pH of 5.0-6.5 is ideal for broccoli cultivation. The ground can be suitable for broccoli farming when you prepare it with high-quality equipment like Mahindra 585.

Popular Varieties

Palam Samridhi: In 2015, the film Palam Samridhi was released. The plant has a semi-spreading growth habit and bears smooth, large, dark green leaves. It has a round, compact head that is green in colour. The heads weigh an average of 300gm. The variety matures in 70-75 days after transplanting and yields 72qtl/acre on average.

Punjab Broccoli-1 was first released in 1996. It has smooth, wavy leaves that are dark green. The heads are small and appealing. The variety matures in about 65 days and yields 70tl/acre on average. The type is suitable for both salad and cooking purposes.


The suitable time to plant seeds is from mid-August to mid-September. Line spacing of 45 X 45cm is recommended. The seeds are planted 1-1.5cm deep. Line sowing and broadcasting are two methods for sowing. You can use farming machines like Mahindra 575 and others for better production.


For one acre of land, sow 250gm of seeds. Seeds are treated with hot water (58oC) for 30 minutes before planting to protect them from soil-borne diseases.


Use FYM@40tonnes. Apply nitrogen@50kg/acre in urea@110kg/acre, phosphorus@25kg/acre in SSP@155kg/acre, and potassium@25kg/acre in the form of MOP@40kg/acre in addition to FYM. Before transplanting, a total dose of FYM, phosphorus, potassium, and a half dose of nitrogen is added. After one month of transplanting, the remainder of the nitrogen dose is added.

Weed Control

To test weed control, apply Fluchloralin (Basalin) 1-2 litres/600-700 litres of water before transplanting, followed by hand weeding 30 to 40 days later. Next, apply Pendimethalin at a rate of 1 litre per acre one day before seedling transplanting.


Give the first irrigation immediately after transplanting. After that, apply irrigation at intervals of 7-8 days in the summer and 10-15 days in the winter, depending on soil and climatic conditions.

Plant Protection

Thrips are tiny insects that are pale yellow to light brown insects and have symptoms such as distorted leaves and silvery leaves. If aphids and jassids cause the most damage, We should apply a spray of Imidacloprid 17.8 SL 60ml per acre in 150ltr water.

Nematodes: The symptoms are reduced plant growth and plant yellowing. If an infestation is discovered, Forate@5kg or Carbofuran@10kg per acre of land should be broadcasted.

The larva of the diamondback moth feeds on the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves, causing damage to the entire plant. If an infestation is detected, We should apply a spray of Spinosad 25 per cent SC 80ml/150ltr water per acre of land.

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causes white mould. The symptoms are irregular, with grey-coloured lesions on the leaves and stem. If an infestation is found in the field, we should apply a spray of Metalaxyl + Mancozeb @2gm/ltr water every 10 days.

Damping-off is caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia Solani. The symptoms include seedlings dying immediately after germination and brown-red or black rot on the stem. Ridomil gold@2.5gm/ltr should be applied to the roots, followed by irrigation. Don’t let the water accumulate in the field.

Downy mildew causes small angular lesions on the lower surface of the leaves that are orange or yellow. If an infestation is detectes, spray with Metalaxyl 8 per cent + Mancozeb 64 per cent WP @250gm/150ltr.

Ring spots: Small purple spots appear on mature leaves, which turn brown. If an infestation is detected, spray with Metalaxyl 8 per cent + Mancozeb 64 per cent WP @250gm/150ltr.


Broccoli is harvested when the heads reach a marketable size. We must market them as soon as possible after harvesting because they cannot be stored for an extended period.

Seed Production

Maintain a separation distance of 1600 m from Cole crops and other varieties of broccoli. Skip one row every five rows; this is necessary for field inspection. Remove the diseased plant and the plant that has a variation in leaf characteristics. When the pods are entirely brown, it’s time to harvest the crop. Harvesting stands doing at least twice. After harvesting, leave the plant in the field for a week to cure and dry. Threshing of crops requires after proper drying for seed purposes.

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